Last week Organifarms was awarded the "Innovationspreis Moderne Landwirtschaft" by the Forum Moderne Landwirtschaft and f3 - farm food future.

The prize is awarded to sustainable solutions for existing challenges in the agricultural sector in the categories start-up, research and cooperation. As the winner of the start-up category Organifarms is receiving 10,000 € prize money, a communication package and contacts to actors in the industry, politics and press.
According to the jury Organifarms has prevailed over the other candidates because of:
"...a huge market potential, for the most diverse plant varieties. Costs are reduced, quality is increased - and the well-known issue of 'staff shortage' is also solved".
" a very innovative way Organifarms, with a highly scalable solution in indoor farming, brings together digitalization and automation".
The jury was made up of Lea Fließ, Managing Director Forum Moderne Landwirtschaft, Matthias Schulze Steinmann, Editor-in-Chief of f3 and Top Agrar, Hendrik Haase, Publicist, Networker & Moderator, Eva Ogriseg, CEO tba network, Arndt Schwaiger, Managing Director & Co-Founder hellmetrics GmbH, Nikola Steinbock, Divisional Director Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank and Anna Voges, Managing Director Saat-Gut Plaußig Voges KG.
"We are very honoured and proud to be awarded the Innovationspreis Moderne Landwirtschaft", says Hannah Brown, Co-Founder of Organifarms, "Thank you very much to f3 farm. food. future., Forum Moderne Landwirtschaft and the jury. We are so grateful for the support and the belief in our idea and our company".